Port St. Lucie is situated in a wide area between the humid subtropical climate common in Central Florida and the tropical climate found in South Florida's northern regions. The
weather in Port St Lucie is hot, humid, oppressive, and mostly cloudy in the summer. As with winter, it is short, pleasant, windy, and partly cloudy. The average temperature in the city ranges from 55°F to 89°F throughout the year. It is rare to fall below 41°F or rise above 92°F.
The fall season in Port St Lucie happens from September to November. The daily high temperature during this season varies from 76°F to 88°F. Meanwhile, the daily low temperature goes between 58°F and 77°F. Fall is the ideal season to explore the city. You can also check the St Lucie website for annual events and other activities.
In Port St Lucie, the winter season lasts between December and February. January, however, is the coldest month. During this time, the average low temperature is 56°F, and the highest is 73°F. Winter is the best time to visit Port St Lucie if you are not fond of the hot season. With so much to see and explore, you will not run out of options. Port St Lucie offers various events and activities, especially in December.
March to May cover the spring season in Port St Lucie, Florida. During April, a typical day in Port Saint Lucie experiences an average temperature range of 82°F to 70°F. This creates a pleasantly warm atmosphere with a gentle breeze. In Port St. Lucie, spring brings longer days and brighter nights. It is the perfect opportunity to enjoy music, participate in a cleanup effort, and adopt a street. You can also attend an educational session and savor the wonderful weather with various indoor and outdoor activities.
There are various things to do in Port St Lucie. It features scenic sites and educational museums. It caters to diverse interests - from botanical gardens to railroad museums. No matter your interests, this place has something in store for you.
Meanwhile, if you need
Port St Lucie FL asphalt paving, call St Lucie Asphalt Driveway Paving Pros. The company is one of the area's most reliable asphalt paving contractors. They have years of experience in the industry. Thus, you can rest easy knowing they will provide high-quality results. They offer various services, including driveway paving, parking lot paving, blacktop, and asphalt repair.
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